Technical informations
Distance n/c
Difficulty Very easy
Ascent n/c
Negative gradient n/c
Itinéraire balisé BALISE
Altitude moyenne 900m
Altitude maximum 1200m
Usson-en-Forez is one of the 3 trail-running centres in the Massif du Forez trail-running domain created in 2020. Come and explore the woods and hills on these 4 trails of 6, 8, 12 and 20km, starting at the lake.
- Public WC
- Car park
- Defibrillator
- Free car park
- Pedestrian sports
- Trail route
- Trail Division
- Accommodation
Type of clientele
- Children
- Level green – easy
- Level bue - Medium
- Level red – hard
- Level black - very hard
- For beginners / novice
- For athletes