Between 1,253 and 1,428 m in altitude, the area offers in addition to its exceptional panoramic views of the Alps and the Auvergne volcanoes, 60 km of cross-country skiing tracks groomed every day for the pleasures of skating and alternative walking.
Technical informations
- Nombre de pistes : 7
- Nombre de pistes vertes : 1
- Nombre de pistes bleues : 1
- Nombre de pistes rouges : 2
- Nombre de pistes noires : 3
- Km de pistes : 78 km
- Km de pistes vertes : 3 km
- Km de pistes bleues : 6 km
- Km de pistes rouges : 21 km
- Km de pistes noires : 3 km
Payment options
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Opening period
All year round between 9 am and 5 pm.
Closed exceptionally on December 25th.
Subject to snow conditions.