Walking itineraries

Go hiking in the Forez plain or mountains, to discover breathtaking landscapes like the Loire Gorges or the Chorsin, Ligeay or Saut du Diable waterfalls. From a walk in the vineyards to a challenging hike in the Hautes Chaumes, you’re in for some surprising encounters if you keep your eyes open.


Randonnée Pédestre Canal Forez - Loire Forez

Pilgrimage treks

Explore along our hiking trails on the Way of Saint James, for a short distance, an hour or two, a half-day, a full day or even several days…


Randonnées pelerins - Loire Forez

Cycling and mountain bike

Explore along the roads and trails of Loire Forez, following the waymarkers across the Hautes-Chaumes, the Loire Gorges and the Bois Noirs forest. Your bike awaits you for a road cycling, enduro, cross-country, downhill or mountain Ebike adventure!


Randonnée VTT Cyclo - Loire Forez

Horse Hacking

There’s no better way to take to the Loire Forez paths than on horseback. At one with nature, discover the outstanding heritage of the Forez hills and plain.



Randonnées équestres - Loire Forez


Discover at running pace our accredited trail-running centre between Loire Forez and Ambert Livradois Forez, as well as the waymarked trails between the Forez mountains and plain, for a short distance, an hour or two, a half-day, a full day or even several days… To stare in awe at the best views, you have to put in the effort first.


Trails - Loire Forez

Picnic areas

Close your eyes and think of that picnic in a park at the water’s edge, with a few pieces of bread, saucisson, cheese and a packet of crisps. A simple snack in a quiet spot with family or friends, a pure moment of generosity and togetherness in the Forez.


Aire pique nique - Loire Forez

Outdoor activities

Fancy a new sporting challenge in the great outdoors? Venture into the world of nature sports in Loire Forez, with via ferrata trails, paragliding or orienteering. You’ll find just the right activity to help you push your boundaries or just enjoy the experience.


Sport Nature Rocher de l'Olme - Loire Forez

Nature and relaxation

Work, the kids… take time out for yourself and reconnect with your senses! Take a dip in a swimming pool, laze at a lakeside, rent out a boat, or book a spa or jacuzzi just for your own private use, and finish in style with a relaxing massage.


Eau Détente Paddock Usson en Forez - Loire Forez

Weather forecast

Because Mother Nature has a mind of her own, we recommend you visit this page to check the weather forecast for Loire Forez, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises during your walks and outings. Remember to take drinks, sunglasses and sun cream with you in sunny weather, or an umbrella, raincoat and water-resistant shoes when the sky is grey.


Météo Lever Soleil Pic Pelé - Loire Forez