
Église Saint-Laurent



The Church is indicated as dedicated to St Laurent since 984. A text of XI ème century mentions "the ecclesia of Poncianis ".
The choir and the bell tower live the only vestiges of the primitive eglise situated inside the former castle.
The bell tower is a former bell tower-wall raised on the triumphant bow which gave access to the apse. It included two twin bays still broken but still visible on the oriental facade of the current bell tower.
In the middle of XIX ème century, the building turning out too small was enlarged on the plans of the architect Dulac.
Inside, Laurent, the Patron saint de Poncins is represented in the central stained glass of the choir and by a wooden statue of XIX ème century.
To note the presence of three other polychromatic wooden statues representing Saint Martin, Saint Claude and Saint Isidore, boss of the ploughmen.


Free of charge.

Opening period

All year round, daily between 9 am and 6 pm.

Spoken languages

  • French French


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Église Saint-Laurent Le bourg 42110 Poncins 04 77 27 80 09