
The Gavé Bridge


The Gavé Bridge (also spelt Gavet, Gavey and Gaviel) was built in the 14th century. It was first written about in 1381.


It leads to Manoir de Teillères, built in the middle of the 14th century by Guy VII, count of Forez.
From an architectural point of view this bridge is special as it has 2 humpbacked arches with a broken line down the middle. The arches are different widths with the wider one being slightly pointed and the other being semi-circular. Gavé may come from the word gué which means passage.


Free of charge.

Opening period

From 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2025
Opening hours daily .


I'm going
The Gavé Bridge Route du Pont Gavé 42330 Saint-Galmier 04 77 54 06 08