This museum which was desired and created by the former resistance fighters of the Secret Army of the Loire and of the town of Estivareilles opened in 1984, 40 years after the war. The main exhibition theme of this museum is all about Estivareilles Fights during the Second World War, more precisely in August 1944 (these events made the origins of the site).
The museum retraces the history of the 20th century, following the main episodes of this period. Its modern and interactive presentation seduces both children and adults. Indeed you can test and touch various objects, listenning to a back ground music, and watch historical films which ponctuate your visit.
Discover as well the surprising collection "Pictures and Sounds", made up with a vibrant cinema collection.
Adult: from 4 €
Child : from 2.50 €
Group adults: from 3.50 €
Group children : from 2.50 €.
Free entry for children < 6 years, the drivers.
Child entry valid for 6 - 12 years.
Group rate available for > 20 people.
Opening period
From 01/01 to 31/03/2025 between 2 pm and 6 pm.
Closed Monday and Saturday.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st.
From 01/04 to 11/11/2025, daily between 2 pm and 6 pm.
From 12/11 to 31/12/2025 between 2 pm and 6 pm.
Closed Monday and Saturday.
Closed exceptionally on bank holidays.
Spoken languages