Check that you haven't forgotten your sun cream and swimming costume. You might need them when you come to Saint-Étienne...
You don't believe me? Well you should - the city has its very own fine sandy beach, over by the picturesque village of Saint-Victor-sur-Loire. You choose, get in your dose of farniente on the beach at the water's edge or by taking a cruise. If you choose the latter, you'll have will be in the perfect place to admire the treasures of the Loire Gorges nature reserve. You will also be able to climb up to the medieval village of Saint-Victor with its breath-taking views over the Loire and have the chance to take a trip back in time by visiting the castle and the church. Once you come back down again, you can head back towards Saint-Étienne, stopping off for a stroll through the Le Berland rose garden, where you will able to see and smell the "Aimé Jacquet" and the "Muriel Robin" ... Rest assured, we mean the roses named after them not the celebrities themselves! From Les Condamines, a little bit further along, the hiking trails begin, lots of them. They lead you into the secrets of the nature reserve. Your guides will be the eagle-owl, the yellow-bellied toad or the large blue butterfly. With a bit of luck, you might get them to agree to a selfie with the Château d'Essalois or the Château de Grangent in the background. Lucky you, if you do!
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